Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Russian Thing: Candy

Dasha turned the tables on me this week. "These are Russian candy," she told me as she spilled a small handful of wrapped candies onto the desk. "I think you will like them."

As Ii grabbed a likely-looking first victim, I asked her, "What's this one?"

"It is sorta, um, like Honey." Now, one of my favorite candies is Bit-O-Honey. Or, more accurately, one of my favorites when I was younger was Bit-O-Honey. I was the only kid I knew who liked them.

It ... it was a less-chewy Bit-O-Honey. Much less chewy - it crumbled into my mouth as I ate it. But the taste was close.

I pointed at another one with cherries printed on the label. "What's this one? It looks like a Cherry Cordial!"

"It ... um ... it has cherry alcohol in it." Sure enough, it was a cherry cordial. And not a bad one, either - but I've never been found of cherry liquor.

"What about these - are they different flavors of the same thing?" I pointed at three with similar wrappers.

"No, these are the same flavor.  Those are different," she said, pointing at a different set of three.

So, naturally, I had to know what the flavors were. "This one is almond," she said, "and this one ... it is a berry flavor. I don't think you have it." The third was milk chocolate - it translated as "Cream Chocolate" when she used her translation website of choice.

The berry turned out to be bilberry - which is reported to be similar in flavor to blueberry. As I'm not fond of blueberries (yes, I'm picky), I set that one aside for my wife to try, and I popped the almond one open.

The flavor was fine, but I wasn't fond of the texture.  It was chocolate wrapped around an Almond paste - but it was almost more gelatin than paste. Somewhere between toothpaste and Jell-O.

The last one I tried had a cute picture of a cow on the cover.  The candy itself was roughly football-shaped. "It's a chocolate cream," she told me. It was chocolate, all right. With a wafery-crunch that reminded me a bit of a Crunch Bar. And the filling was chocolate frosting in terms of flavor and texture.

It was really good.

All in all, I found a number things I like in the mix, and I got to try something new.

I call it a Win.

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