Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

Here at work, we have a TV. And a DVD player.

This means that we often bring in films we like and watch those.  Occasionally, I have to suffer through a cheesy romantic comedy. Or a stupid comedy.

One day, however, we had three films that were a huge part of my growing up that Dasha had never even heard of. All three of these are (in part) pulp-descended. They're definitely part of any geek's outlook these days.

Here are her comments on each:

"It's not a scary movie, is it? I don't like scary movies!"

"This is a funny movie."

"It's very entertaining."

Star Wars (and by Star Wars, I mean Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope - the original theatrical release):
"It's not the best film ever, but it is interesting."

She looked pretty bored throughout, though.

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark:
"I'm not sure I understand what is happening. Why do they talk so much?"  A fair question, to be perfectly  honest. As pulpy as the film is, it really does have a bit too much dialogue.

"This part is very exciting." It was the chase through the market.

"Why did they kill the monkey? He was cute!"

Verdict:  A very mixed bag.

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